
Showing posts from September, 2014

Colors of Maria (concert)

  Culturi diferite. Interpretări inovatoare. Aceeași splendoare a Mariei Tănase. Roots Revival Romania aprinde spiritul Mariei în noi culori, cu un turneu de muzică improvizată în 10 orașe. Proiectul muzical reunește artiști din 7 țări într-un melanj unic de culturi și interpretări, inspirat de Maria Tănase. Pe scena Roots Revival, folclorul românesc devine unul universal, iar cântecul Mariei o limbă pe care o putem înțelege cu toții. Sunetul pur. Incursiunea Roots Revival aduce împreună improvizația de jazz, temele folclorice din țările de origine ale muzicienilor și compoziții originale. Totul într-o călătorie dus-întors între Est și Vest. Instrumentele lor tradiționale –  ney ,  duduk  sau oud  – trasează tușe puternice în culori de pe alte continente, iar vocile Monicăi Mădaș și Mariei Casandra Hăuși semnează un peisaj românesc nemaivăzut. Creatorul proiectului muzical, artistul iranian Mehdi Aminian, spune că România are o identitate unică a muzicii. „Sper ca românii să

"Afternoon delight" (2013, movie)

Rachel (Kathryn Hahn, getting a meaty lead role for a change after a long string of sidekick parts) is a wealthy, Los Angeleno stay-at-home mom who's either just bored or having a mid-30s identity crisis – or both. A night out slumming introduces her to McKenna (Juno Temple), a deceptively baby-faced stripper who seems a bit lost. Rachel, feeling simultaneously maternal towards the young woman but also sexually attracted to her, invites McKenna to live with her family. This act of apparent generosity destabilises not just things between Rachel and her husband Jeff (Josh Radnor), but the whole community of friends around them Director Jill Soloway's  comedy - drama   isn't perfect – the leitmotif about open eyes feels over-workshopped, and the ending's a bit pat – but it nails with self-lacerating precision the manners and mores of a certain type of hipster parent, the bourgeoisie's muddled attitudes towards sex workers, and the precarious foundations of friendship.

"Cand se lasa seara peste Bucuresti sau Metabolism" (movie)

The director’s Cannes Camera d’Or-winning debut  12:08 East of Bucharest  and its follow-up,  Police, Adjective , both investigated words and meanings but his latest explores film grammar instead, with the filmmaker’s trademark long, almost immobile takes pushed to a new extreme, with the entire 89-minute project consisting of under 20 shots.  Likely to be received in a more divisive manner than his previous works, the nonsensically-titled  Evening , which feels like it’s a draft or two away from something great, should nonetheless prove alluring for festivals and cinephiles familiar with the Romanian New Wave or attracted by the film-centric topic and rigorous execution. It world premiered at Locarno, where it was one of the few new films shot and shown on 35mm. Porumboiu opens with a take that lasts an entire roll of film and was shot from the backseat of a car in which the driver turns out to be a director, Paul ( Bogdan Dumitrache ). His passenger's Alina ( Diana Avramut

"The Two Faces of January" (movie)

It’s the directorial debut of Hossein Amini, the British-Iranian screenwriter best-known for a plum pair of adaptations: his Oscar-nominated 1997 script for The Wings of the Dove, and then the terse core that he gave to Nicolas Winding Refn’s Drive (2011). His skill as a scenarist shines through in this three-person rummy game - it’s tightly engineered and doesn’t waste words. But it’s also a treat to look at and listen to, evoking a lot of old-fashioned movie virtues, and showing us a lush but suspenseful good time. From the start, as holidaying Americans Chester (Viggo Mortensen) and Colette (Kirsten Dunst) take a turn around the Parthenon in 1962, we get that tingle that comes with feeling in safe hands. Amini has borrowed a cinematographer, Marcel Zyskind, from Michael Winterbottom, and a composer, Alberto Iglesias, from  Pedro Almódovar . Their combined efforts are seductive but also expressive, honed to a purpose. And the lemon dress Dunst is wearing may be the most perfect

"The Other Boleyn Girl" (Philippa Gregory)

"The Other Boleyn" tells the story of Mary Boleyn, the sister of Anne Boleyn and one time mistress of King Henry VIII.  Sweet and pliable Mary was chosen by Henry VIII to become his mistress and bore him two children, but his attentions soon turned to her more outspoken and vivacious sister, Anne.  The story is of a rivalry between the two sisters, the relationship between the three siblings Anne, Mary, and George, the intrigue, plotting, and scheming of the English court, and the eventual marriage, crowning, and then downfall of Anne Boleyn all seen through the eyes of Mary Boleyn.  While Anne Boleyn was the star of the English court and known throughout history as one of King Henry VIII's doomed queens, Mary Boleyn, the mistress and mother of illegitimate children to the king was known as "The Other Boleyn Girl".