
Showing posts from March, 2016

"Who are you really?"

This test was created by Pip Wilson, a famous British psychologist. It was made for elementary school students to see how well they did in their first three years of studies, but later on it turned out to be suitable for adults, too. The test helps determine your real and desirable emotional state and even realize what your social status is, too, to some extent. Test results interpretation: If you have chosen figures 1, 3, 6, or 7, then you’re a resolute person, not afraid of difficulties or obstacles. If you feel that one of the figures 2, 11, 12, 18, or 19 resembles you, then you’re an amiable person who is always there when your friends need you. The choice of figure 4 describes you as a steadfast person, who wants to achieve success without the hassle of overcoming hardships. Number 5 means you’re often weary and feel weak, and...

What kind of intelligence do you have?

LINGUISTIC INTELLIGENCE You have linguistic intelligence; it means that it’s easier for you to learn something using words, and spoken or written languages don’t make any difference. When you hear a question, it is not hard for you to give a detailed answer showing your copious vocabulary. You can be successful in public speaking even if you don’t feel too good about it. Most probably, you like to read and write. You are a creative person. Try to write a short story; maybe you can amaze yourself and others with the ideas you have.

"Uzak Ihtimal" / Wrong Rosary

It's always difficult finding one's feet in a strange city. Musa is naturally shy and self-effacing, perhaps too young to be a muezzin, arousing first wariness and then paternal concern from the elders in the mosque to which he is assigned. He lives quietly, though he is befriended by an aging bookseller who gets him involved in literary preservation activities. He likes to study and to read, but into this world another presence gradually intrudes. She too is quiet, but she has a strength he cleaves to. She rescues him from a stuck elevator. She helps him when his friend is ill. She's beautiful, but she's a Catholic, and she plans to spend the rest of her life in a convent. What follows is a delicate, restrained romance where understatement makes emotion all the more powerful. It's complicated when the bookseller turns out to have been a political prisoner, and when he and the neighbour turn out to be connected. The traditions of Islam, Catholicism and radical po...

"Bonjour Tristesse" by Francoise Sagan

Bonjour Tristesse  (French: "Hello Sadness") is a  novel  by  Françoise Sagan . Published in 1954, when the author was only 18, it was an overnight sensation. The title is derived from a poem by  Paul Éluard , "À peine défigurée", which begins with the lines "Adieu tristesse/Bonjour tristesse..." An English-language film adaptation  was released in 1958, directed by  Otto Preminger . Seventeen-year-old Cécile spends her summer in a villa on the  French Riviera with her father and his mistress. Her father, Raymond, is a seductive, worldly, amoral man who has had many affairs. His latest woman friend is Elsa Mackenbourg: she and Cécile get on well. When Elsa comes to the villa to spend her summer with Raymond, it is clear that she is the latest of many women whom Cécile has seen enter the life of her father and exit fairly quickly: young, superficial, and fashionable. Raymond excuses his philandering with an Oscar Wilde  quote about sin: "Si...

"Despre olita si dramele ei" - articol dr. Ana Stefanescu

S-a scris și vorbit mult pe tema educației “la oliță” și, ca în oricare alt aspect al creșterii copiilor, există multe – și vehemente – tabere, în favoarea sau împotriva diferitelor modalități de a o face (hai să o denumim ELO = educația la oliță). Părerea mea, ca în aproape toate aspectele sănătății copiilor, este aceeași: Nu toți copiii sunt la fel; nu toate familiile sunt la fel. NU există O SINGURĂ metodă valabilă pentru toți. De remarcat însă este faptul că în ultimii 30-40 de ani s-a amânat în mod semnificativ momentul inițierii ELO. Perfecționarea scutecelor de unică folosință, pe de o parte, precum și teama de posibile efecte negative asupra dezvoltării ulterioare organice și psihice a copilului au făcut ca inițierea ELO să se petreacă acum după vârsta de 2 ani. Deși Internetul abundă de voci alarmiste care înspăimântă părinții cu tulburările comportamentale care pot apărea în urma unei ELO precoce,  această părere nu este susținută de cercetarea științifică . Dimp...