"The Other Man" (2008, movie)
Peter (Liam Neeson), a software designer who lives near Cambridge, England, discovers e-mail correspondence and pictures on the computer of his absent wife, Lisa (Laura Linney), that reveal her affair with another man. Peter, who has fancied himself happily married for 25 years, is seized with sexual jealousy that quakes from within and transforms him into an anguished, wild-eyed monster; you can see his blood boiling.

Lisa, a high-end shoe designer, has mysteriously disappeared without leaving word of her whereabouts. Suspecting she has gone to meet her lover, Ralph (Antonio Banderas), whose name and address in Milan Peter uncovers through unscrupulous computer sleuthing, he flies to Italy, bent on murdering his rival.
Though Mr. Banderas’s Ralph has fiery eyes and dresses nattily, he is a self-described loser who, Peter notes with contempt, has pink hands. Long before Peter leaves Milan, any tension has drained away.
No sooner has he arrived and spotted his prey than the movie fizzles like a lighted firecracker dunked in ice water. Peter trails Ralph into a chess bar where they strike up a conversation and play an exceedingly dull game of chess, during which Peter, without disclosing his identity, elicits juiceless trivia about the affair.
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