The press notes for "Prime" (which does not, sad to say, quite live up to its name) describe its central romance as a May-December affair. That may be overstating it. True, Rafi, the older, female half of the couple, is 14 years older than her beau, but Rafi is played by Uma Thurman , who doesn't look a day older than the middle of July. Her summery radiance helps make this thin romantic comedy hard to dislike. Rafi, when we meet her, is 37 - if you call that December, then I must be, well, dead - and freshly divorced. One evening at an Antonioni double feature, she bumps into David (Bryan Greenberg), a sweet, 23-year-old aspiring painter who lives with his grandparents. The difference in their ages makes them a little nervous, but the more serious obstacle comes from David's family. For one thing, they don't approve of him dating a non-Jewish woman, and for another, his mother, Lisa, happens to be Rafi's therapist. Lisa is played by Meryl Streep ...