
Showing posts from April, 2015


The press notes for   "Prime" (which does not, sad to say, quite live up to its name) describe its central romance as a May-December affair. That may be overstating it. True, Rafi, the older, female half of the couple, is 14 years older than her beau, but Rafi is played by   Uma Thurman , who doesn't look a day older than the middle of July. Her summery radiance helps make this thin romantic comedy hard to dislike. Rafi, when we meet her, is 37 - if you call that December, then I must be, well, dead - and freshly divorced. One evening at an Antonioni double feature, she bumps into David (Bryan Greenberg), a sweet, 23-year-old aspiring painter who lives with his grandparents. The difference in their ages makes them a little nervous, but the more serious obstacle comes from David's family. For one thing, they don't approve of him dating a non-Jewish woman, and for another, his mother, Lisa, happens to be Rafi's therapist. Lisa is played by  Meryl Streep ...

"Black or White"

Kevin Costner and Octavia Spencer headline writer-director Mike Binder's latest feature, which world premiered in Toronto Black and White  may be the title, but there are plenty of gray areas tackled in this good ol’ fashioned family dramedy from standup comic turned filmmaker  Mike Binder  ( Reign Over Me ,  The Upside of Anger ). Pitting a binge drinking  Kevin Costner  against an ass whooping  Octavia Spencer  in a battle for custody over their beloved granddaughter, this well-performed and occasionally amusing affair has a distinctively 90’s feel to it, laying on the sauce rather thick at times, although it still creates a believable story raising questions about parenthood and racial prejudice in modern-day Los Angeles. Star wattage could eventually help give these colors a decent boost at the box office, though they’ll most likely run brightest on the small screen.   A somewhat clumsy opening scene introduces us to California at...