"The Good Lie"
Director Philippe Falardeau’s follow-up to his Oscar-nominated "Monsieur Lazhar" focuses on Sudanese refugees seeking a new life in America, with Arnold Oceng and Reese Witherspoon Inspired by the experience of the thousands of so-called “Lost Boys of Sudan,” the Sudanese refugees of both genders who were allowed to emigrate to the U.S. from the 1980s to the early 2000s, The Good Lie is a touching, generous-hearted movie, sensitively directed by Philippe Falardeau ( Monsieur Lazhar ) working with a smart, sly, long-gestated script by Margaret Nagle ( Boardwalk Empire ). But here’s the weird thing. At one point, the main protagonist, Mamere (British-based Arnold Oceng , who’s fantastic here), learns about “good lies,” untruths told to help others. Talk about irony: The current poster for is one big, maybe not-so-good lie, featuring a large image of Witherspoon’s head hovering over three small, indistinct African figures walking...