'Anochece en la India"/ Nightfall in India (2014)
Director: Chema Rodríguez
Writer: Chema Rodríguez
Starring: Clara Voda, Ken Appledorn, Juan Diego, Javier Pereira, Linda Molin, Vanessa Castro
Bitter and jaded characters such as Ricardo do not usually make for enjoyable cinematic experiences. Nightfall in India can be emotionally grating at times, but a poetically profound undercurrent runs concurrent with Richard’s negativity and anger. Writer-director Chema Rodríguez beautifully examines the role that time plays in human existence. Just as the road trip across Eurasia is linear in direction, life also exists in a straight line; and no matter what hurdles he encounters along the journey, Ricardo’s momentum never ceases, just as time is also unstoppable. There is a beginning, middle and end to this narrative, just as there is in any human life. The question remains whether or not we can dictate when and how the ending occurs? He may say a lot of mean things along the way, but Ricardo’s determination is truly commendable; as Rodríguez slowly reveals that this grinch might actually have a heart, it is made nearly impossible not to cheer Ricardo on as he nears his end goal.
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